
- Call: Practical training program

Husde-SME collaboration

We are looking students from IT sector for having practical training in a IT company.

- Call for proposal: Indo-UK collaboration opportunity

GITA-Innovate UK

Proposal based on Affordable Healthcare

We have one SME from India and another from UK showing interest to participate.

A project is submitted in 2016 call.

We are open to discuss with I+D centers and SME for proposals and participation for next calls.


Husde foundation looks collaboration and participation for developing human smile.

 There is various methods to develop collaboration and participation:
-Recommend Husde
-Project participation
-Husde shop
-Donate your video

* A part of your contribution/donation could be used for covering overhead costs such as permissions/certificate, manpower, electricity, computer etc.
Contact to Husde for it or use the online method

Recommend Husde
You can contribute by telling and sharing the information about Husde foundation with others. Always send a copy of your email to us to know your contribution.

Project participation
We always need your contribution proposing an idea, in developing an idea as a project proposal, funding, execution or  supporting any our running projects.

Husde shop
We are looking to develop a collaboration with you to develop it. 

You have any proposal, contact to Husde foundation to look how we can collaborate with you.

You can find detail of running options on Husde foundation website.

We recommend to register with us